
Domestic Abuse

Mental Health Counseling & Therapy Services located in Hoboken and Teaneck, NJ

Domestic Abuse

About Domestic Abuse

Most incidents of domestic abuse are not isolated, and they can escalate to become increasingly dangerous over time. No matter which type of abuse you experience, the spiritual and progressive professionals at Hudson River Care and Counseling in Hoboken and Teaneck, New Jersey, can offer the support you need through personalized counseling and group therapy. To schedule a telehealth or in-person consultation, call Hudson River Care and Counseling or request an appointment online today. 

Domestic Abuse Q&A

What does domestic abuse entail?

Domestic abuse or intimate partner violence involves harmful behavioral patterns used to influence or maintain control over another person. Domestic abuse can manifest in many ways, both physical and otherwise. You might experience one or more of the following:

Physical abuse

Physical abuse can involve one partner hitting, strangling, or otherwise intending to injure the other. 

Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse can be a little more challenging to detect and includes behaviors that ultimately aim to control you, such as humiliation, intimidation, threats, and insults. 

Financial abuse

Financial abuse happens when one partner takes control of the finances as a way to control the other. They might provide you with a small allowance or limit your access to shared bank accounts. 

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse in a relationship involves non-consensual sexual circumstances and can range from revenge porn to sexual harassment to date rape. 

How does domestic abuse impact mental health?

Any and all forms of domestic abuse can have a lasting impact on your mental and emotional well-being. You may not recognize your abusive situation until it’s been happening for years and the resulting mental health concerns have accumulated. 

You can trust Hudson River Care and Counseling to help you cope with these common psychological effects of domestic abuse:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Insomnia
  • Low self-esteem
  • Panic attacks
  • Confusion or uncertainty

While it might sound easy on the surface to pack up and leave a situation that causes such distress, the reality is that many survivors of domestic abuse struggle to leave due to financial barriers, threats, or a lack of social support.

Which services can provide support after domestic abuse?

Hudson River Care and Counseling can help you through domestic abuse recovery and improve your quality of life with personalized care. 

Many people benefit from individual therapy, which can happen in the office or online using telehealth. You can also personalize your experience through spiritual or religious-based counseling, which offers support according to your belief system and values. 

The trained professionals at Hudson River Care and Counseling also conduct support groups for survivors of domestic violence — there is even a women’s trauma group. In group therapy, you can connect with other people who have had similar experiences. 

To review your options for domestic abuse counseling, call Hudson River Care and Counseling or use the online booking feature to schedule a consultation today.